
what I would like......

What I need is a really nice animated spiral file.  Something to capture the mind and keep the observer involved and attracted to its hypnotic movements.  Anyone got anything interesting like this?  Or maybe even a metronome that goes slowly back and forth.

Well I found one, but not sure if you are up to looking at it...... are you?

I found another one.  This one is so nice to just sit and look at.... don't you agree?


Anonymous said...

hello MissSharon.
I don't know of any such things , but you can bet, i'll be looking on line and elsewhere to help you out. I believe in your ideas. keep up your excellent work.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Miss Sharon, i think i can look :) sissy michelle :)

Anonymous said...

Ms. Sharon:
i have always been irresistibly attracted to the image and sounds of the metronome.

i don't know what it is about the back and forth / back and forth action but i am like a submissive moth to a Dominant Flame.

That being said, i find i am not up to the task of watching this particular pretty spiral without feeling my jaw go slack and my eyes glazing over.


JenniferBell said...

Miss Sharon, I just love watching a spiral...I just seem to fall...where was I?

your jennifer